Age: 2 to 16 years
Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan, German 
Calle Son Ametler Vell, 16
07141 Marratxí (Palma de Mallorca)
Tel: (+34) 971 605 008 F. (+34) 971 226 158
E-mail: [email protected]

The Academy International School

The school’s philosophy is based on the term “Education” in the widest possible sense. We create a happy working atmosphere where each child can feel that he belongs and where every individual is a very important part of the whole.

The child is loved for himself and the important part he/she plays in the school whether academically, artistically, in the sports arena, as a personality or as a combination of all four.

The teachers all look for the positive attributes of each child and encourage these, whilst discovering any weaknesses and helping in every way.It is very important for us that each child is happy in school, thus developing a love of learning, gaining confidence and security within himself/herself which will continue for the rest of his/her life.